Maintenance and repairs

Report all maintenance issues to your site assistant in the first instance. Please, do not undertake or arrange repairs yourself.

If you cannot contact the site assistant, please get in touch with the Graduate Accommodation Office.

Emergency out of hours

For emergency out of hours repairs, contact Security Services on +44(0)1865 272944.

Access for repairs by University staff/contractors

The team will endeavour to give you 24 hours’ notice before any contractor or maintenance staff entering the property, except in the case of emergencies.

Contractors for maintenance and repairs will be granted access to sites from 9 am until 5 pm.

Maintenance response times

Target Maintenance Response Times: Target Standards of Service:

Emergency Repairs – When there is a danger to property or persons, major leaks or flooding, insecure windows or doors, being locked out, complete loss of electrical supply.

3 hours

Urgent Repairs - include loss of heating or hot water (upgraded to three hours for vulnerable groups), minor plumbing leaks, blockages to appliances, sinks or drains.

24 hours
Routine reactive repairs – For example, adjusting doors, clearing/leaking guttering, minor internal repairs 21 days
Lifts - Repairs will rely on specialised staff from the lift maintenance company. The timescale for such repair can be difficult to predict and may depend on the availability of parts. 28 days


Damage to the Property

Please report any damage to your property to the site assistant as soon as possible. Damage caused by the tenant or guest(s) of the tenant may result in a charge for the cost of repairing or replacing the damaged item. The same applies to any damage to the University’s furniture or contents.


Safety first

Under no circumstances must you undertake or arrange repairs yourself.


Contact us

Graduate Accommodation team

+44 (0) 1865 2 80923

Our offices are open Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00