How to reduce, reuse and recycle

Help us to achieve this goal. Graduate Accommodation sites are provided with blue mixed recycling bins, recycling takes little effort, but has an immensely positive impact on the environment.

Food waste

Communal kitchens and self-contain flats are provided with an internal food waste caddy. With larger external red food waste bins positioned throughout our sites, these are for food waste only.

Did you know?

Residents are required to recycle wherever possible. If you need guidance or assistance on recycling or disposing of unwanted items, please contact your Site Assistant.


Yes please

  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Drinks, milk or shampoo bottles
  • Bottle tops
  • Newspapers and magazines
  • Foil trays
  • Cartons
  • Food pots, punnets, trays and packaging
  • Plant pots and trays
  • Plastic bags
  • Coffee machine pods
  • Aerosols

No thanks

  • Food waste (use food caddy or red food bins provided)
  • Black bin liners
  • Textiles or clothes
  • Salad bags
  • Baby wipe packets
  • Pet food pouches
  • Polystyrene foam
  • Plastic toys/gadgets
  • Crisp packets


For further information on what can and cannot be recycled, please visit the Oxford City council website

Follow the waste hierarchy: the most favourable options are prevention, reduction and reuse, the least favourable is landfill. The higher up the waste hierarchy the better.

  • Prevent: do you really need to create the waste in the first place, could you borrow, rent or hire it instead?
  • Reduce: do you need as much as you think? Can you buy materials with recyclable content? Can you use materials more efficiently? For example, if you print, print double-sided.
  • Reuse: can it be repaired or upgraded or can someone else use it?

Every little help:

  1. Turn off your PC, both the computer and the monitor, when not in use.
  2. Turn off other appliances when not in use, especially over holidays.
  3. If you are in a flat or house where you control your heating system, do not overheat buildings and rooms. Be aware that turning the thermostat up higher will not warm the room quicker.
  4. On warm days open windows and pull curtains closed when you are in during the day.
  5. Do not overfill the kettle. Boil water with the pan’s lid on. These changes will save you time, save energy, and reduce moisture in the air (which can lead to mould).
  6. You wouldn’t leave a room with the tap running so, turn off the lights when you leave.
  7. Choose sustainable travel options, visit for more details.

Every little helps:

  1. Report dripping taps.
  2. Report any leaks or suspected leaks.
  3. Don’t wash utensils, cups or vegetables under running taps.
  4. Try not to leave the tap running when you are cleaning your teeth.
  5. Consider having a shower rather than a bath.

For more information related to sustainability, including how to get involved, student opportunities, please visit the sustainability website at

Contact us

Graduate Accommodation team

+44 (0) 1865 2 80923

Our offices are open Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00

Get in touch

+44 (0) 1865 6 14893