Rent information

Rent is payable monthly in advance by Standing Order.

Single accommodation 2024-25

The rents below include all utilities, and apply to the period 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025. All amounts are in GBP.

Castle Mill - Phase 1
Rent (per calendar month)
En suite room £816.44
Single studio £1,007.61


Castle Mill - Phase 2
Rent (per calendar month)
Ensuite room £824.61
Single studio £990.55
Single studio (double bed) £1,017.38


Cavalier Court
Rent (per calendar month) % Discount Discounted Rent
Small Ensuite £808.27 20% £646.62
Medium Ensuite (32, 50, 53 & 54) £816.44 20% £653.15
Large Ensuite (52 & 55) £824.61 20% £659.69


32a Jack Straws Lane  Rent (per calendar month) % Discount Discounted Rent
Ensuite Room (1, 8) £808.27 20% £646.62
Small Room (all others) £711.20 20% £568.96
Medium Room (3, 11, 13, 14, 16) £718.46 20% £574.77
Large Room (9) £725.72 20% £580.58


6 St John Street  Rent (per calendar month)
Medium Room (1, 4) £740.24
Large Room (2, 3) £747.49
Attic Room (5) £732.97


Summertown House, Mansion House
Rent (per calendar month)
Flat A - Bedsits £824.61
Small Room (D1 & D4)   £718.46
Medium Room (C2, C3, D3)  £725.72
Large Room (C1, C4, D2) £732.97


Summertown House, North & West Blocks
Rent (per calendar month)
 Single Studio £998.32


132/133 Walton Street
Rent (per calendar month)
Small Ensuite (4, 6, 8, 9) £808.27
Medium Ensuite (all others) £816.44
Large Ensuite (15) £824.61
Small Basement Ensuite (7) £800.10
Medium Basement Ensuite (1) £808.27


139 Walton Street  Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (2, 4) £732.97
Medium Room (1,3) £740.24


140 Walton Street  Rent (per calendar month)
Small Ensuite £816.44
Basement Ensuite (Room 1) £808.27


143 Walton Street  Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (2, 4, 6) £732.97
Medium Room (1, 3, 5) £740.24


146 Walton Street  Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (2, 4, 6) £732.97
Medium Room (1, 5) £740.24
Large Room (3) £747.49


147 Walton Street
Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (B, D, F) £732.97
Medium Room (A, E) £740.24
Large Room (C) £747.49
Medium Basement Room (G) £732.97


148 Walton Street  Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (2, 4, 6) £732.97
Medium Room (1, 3, 5) £740.24


14 Wellington Square
Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (2, 4, 6, 8) £705.03
Medium Room (1, 7) £712.15
Large Room (3) £719.28
Bedsit Flat with garden access £1,035.64


15 Wellington Square
Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (2, 4, 6, 8) £705.03
Small Basement room (9) £697.91
Medium Room (7) £712.15
Large Room (1, 3, 5) £719.28


38-40 Woodstock Road
Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Ensuite (1, 3, 5, 9, 13) £824.61
Medium Ensuite (2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14) £832.77
Medium Basement Ensuite (8) £824.61
Large Basement Ensuite (7) £832.77
Couples and families 2024-25

The rents below apply to the period 1 August 2024 – 31 July 2025. All amounts are in GBP.

Please note that if you live with a non-student partner, you may be liable for Council Tax. For more information, visit Oxford City Council’s website.


Alan Bullock Close Rent (per calendar month)
Couples Studio £1,112.07
1 Bedroom Flat £1,269.22
2 Bedroom Flat £1,465.95
2 bedroom maisonette flat £1,494.98
3 Bedroom Flat £1,554.36


Castle Mill – Phase 1 (A-C) Rent (per calendar month)
Couples Studio £1,110.35
1 Bedroom Flat £1,269.22
2 Bedroom Flat £1,451.43
2 bed flat - with garden £1,480.47


Castle Mill – Phase 2 (D-L)
Rent (per calendar month)
Gatehouse Studio Flat £1,121.23
Couples Studio £1,121.23
1 Bedroom Flat £1,280.07
2 Bedroom Flat £1,480.47
Summertown House – North & West Blocks
Rent (per calendar month)
1 Bedroomed Flat £1,257.30
Summertown House – East Block
Rent (per calendar month)
Couples Studio £1,099.47
1 Bedroom Flat £1,280.07
2 Bedroom Flat £1,451.43
Walton Street Maisonettes
Rent (per calendar month)
2 Bedroom Flat £1,482.43


Court Place Gardens (Homes for Students)

The below properties will be managed and operated by Homes for Students.  Rents are exclusive of utilities and wifi.  

Court Place Gardens 
Rent (per calendar month)
  2 Bedroom House £1,630.85
  2 Bedroom Maisonette £1,630.85
  3 Bedroom House £1,771.20
Single accommodation 2023-24

The rents below include all utilities, and apply to the period 1 August 2023 – 31 July 2024. All amounts are in GBP.

2 Bradmore Road Rent (per calendar month)
Small Room (2, 3, 4, 7) £658.91
Medium Room (1, 5, 8) £665.56
Large Room (6) £672.22


Castle Mill – Phase 1 Rent (per calendar month)
Ensuite Room £763.03
Single Studio £941.69


Castle Mill – Phase 2  Rent (per calendar month)
Ensuite Room £770.66
Single Studio £925.75
Single Studio with double bed £950.82


Cavalier Court Rent (per calendar month) Discount   Rental rate with discount 
Small Ensuite £755.39 20% £604.31
Medium Ensuite (32, 50, 53 & 54) £763.03 20% £610.42
Large Ensuite (52 & 55) £770.66 20% £616.53


32a Jack Straws Lane Rent (per calendar month) Discount   Rental rate with discount 
Ensuite Room (1, 8) £755.39 20% £604.31
Small Room (all others) £664.67 20% £531.74
Medium Room (3, 11, 13, 14, 16) £671.46 20% £537.17
Large Room (9) £678.24 20% £542.59


6 St John Street  Rent (per calendar month)
Medium Room (1, 4) £691.81
Large Room (2, 3) £698.59
Attic Room (5) £685.02


Summertown House (N+W) Rent (per calendar month)
Single Studio £933.01


Summertown House (Mansion) Rent (per calendar month)
Flat A - Bedsits £770.66
Small Room (D1 & D4)   £671.46
Medium Room (C2, C3, D3)  £678.24
Large Room (C1, C4, D2) £685.02


132/133 Walton Street Rent (per calendar month)
Small Ensuite (4, 6, 8, 9) £755.39
Medium Ensuite (all others) £763.03
Large Ensuite (15) £770.66
Small Basement Ensuite (7) £747.76
Medium Basement Ensuite (1) £755.39


139 Walton Street Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Room (2, 4) £685.02
Medium Room (1,3) £691.81


140 Walton Street Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Ensuite £763.03
Basement Ensuite (Room 1) £755.39


143 Walton Street Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Room (2, 4, 6) £685.02
Medium Room (1, 3, 5) £691.81


146 Walton Street Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Room (2, 4, 6) £685.02
Medium Room (1, 5) £691.81
Large Room (3) £698.59


147 Walton Street Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Room (B, D, F) £685.02
Medium Room (A, E) £691.81
Large Room (C) £698.59
Medium Basement Room (G) £685.02


148 Walton Street Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Room (2, 4, 6) £685.02
Medium Room (1, 3, 5) £691.81


14 Wellington Square Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Room (2, 4, 6, 8) £658.91
Medium Room (1, 7) £665.56
Large Room (3) £672.22
Bedsit Flat with garden access £967.89


15 Wellington Square Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Room (2, 4, 6, 8) £658.91
Small Basement room (9) £652.25
Medium Room (7) £665.56
Large Room (1, 3, 5) £672.22


38-40 Woodstock Road Rent (per calendar month) 
Small Ensuite (1, 3, 5, 9, 13) £770.66
Medium Ensuite (2, 4, 6, 10, 11, 12, 14) £778.29
Medium Basement Ensuite (8) £770.66
Large Basement Ensuite (7) £778.29
Couples and families 2023-24

The rents below include all utilities, and apply to the period 1 August 2023 – 31 July 2024. All amounts are in GBP.

Please note, if you will be living with a non-student partner, you may be liable for Council Tax. For more information, visit Oxford City Council’s website.

Alan Bullock Close Rent (per calendar month)
Couples Studio £1,039.32
1 Bedroom Flat £1,186.19
2 Bedroom Flat £1,370.05
2 bedroom maisonette flat £1,397.18
3 Bedroom Flat £1,452.67


2 Bradmore Road Rent (per calendar month)
1 Bedroom Flat £1,164.73


Castle Mill – Phase 1 (A-C) Rent (per calendar month)
Couples Studio £1,037.71
1 Bedroom Flat £1,186.19
2 Bedroom Flat £1,356.48
2 bed flat - with garden £1,383.62


Castle Mill – Phase 2 (D-L) Rent (per calendar month)
Gatehouse Studio Flat £1,047.88
Couples Studio £1,047.88
1 Bedroom Flat £1,196.33
2 Bedroom Flat £1,383.62


Summertown House, N+W Rent (per calendar month)
1 Bedroom Flat £1,175.05


Summertown House East Rent (per calendar month)
Couples Studio £1,027.54
1 Bedroom Flat £1,196.33
2 Bedroom Flat



Walton Street Maisonettes Rent (per calendar month)
2 Bedroom Flat £1,385.45


Wellington Square Rent (per calendar month)
1 Bedroom Flat £1,067.57
2 Bedroom Flat £1,116.07

Contact us

Graduate Accommodation team

+44 (0) 1865 2 80923

Our offices are open Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00