How to apply

To apply for University-owned accommodation, please follow through the steps below.

Colleges have their own graduate accommodation and their own processes for applying for it.

Ordinarily, it would help if you explored accommodation options at your college before applying for University graduate accommodation.

1. Check your eligibility

University graduate accommodation is available to full-time graduate students only. For full details, view our qualifying criteria document.

We are unable to provide accommodation to academic visitors, visiting or part-time students, staff members or the public, however, if you fall into any of these categories we have produced the following information which we hope you may find useful, please visit our alternative accommodation page for further details. 

2. Submit an application

Applications for 2024-25 Accommodation

The accommodation application process is now closed.

At this stage, we have allocated nearly all of our accommodation and the remaining options are very limited. Please email us directly if you still require accommodation in 2024-25 and we will advise what availability we might have.

The application process for 2025-26 will open on 7th April 2025 at 00:01.


Single accommodation

Due to the shortage of University and College-owned single accommodation in Oxford, demand currently exceeds supply.  We are very aware that securing suitable accommodation is especially difficult for graduate freshers overseas, unfamiliar with Oxford, and unable to attend viewings. For this reason, the Graduate Accommodation Office operates a tiered waiting list system that prioritises graduate freshers.

The singles waiting list is therefore organised into three tiers:

  • Tier 1 - first priority: An overseas graduate fresher
  • Tier 2 - second priority: A UK graduate fresher
  • Tier 3 - third priority: Returning graduate students and students who have previously undertaken a degree in Oxford.

Returning students will only be allocated single accommodation if all freshers have been housed. If you fall into this category, we would, therefore, advise you to look into alternative accommodation sources, as we may not be able to confirm whether you have been allocated accommodation until later in the year.

Applications from single students wanting to share accommodation with friends
The two and three bedroom flats in the Graduate Accommodation portfolio are reserved for students bringing partners and families to Oxford, and the Graduate Accommodation Office are not able to offer these to two student friends sharing.

However, applications from friends sharing can be accepted for the newly redeveloped Court Place Gardens accommodation site, which is managed by Homes for Students.  If you would like to apply for accommodation at Court Place Gardens with a friend, please email and we will be happy to advise on the next steps.  

Couples and family accommodation

The couples and family accommodation waiting list is not subject to the same tiered system, and applications will be dealt with on a first-come, first-served basis in waiting list order. Priority for 2 bedrooms and 3 bedroom accommodation is given to couples with children. For more information, please see our occupancy policy.

Applicants with disabilities

The University has a small number of accessible rooms and flats that have been specially adapted for students with a physical disability, and we will also make other adaptations where we can. Please make us aware of any specific requirements you may have when you fill out your application form. With supporting medical evidence, we may also be able to prioritise accommodation applications from students on the grounds of disability (physical or otherwise).

3. Formal offer

If we have a suitable accommodation allocation once we reach you on the waiting list, we will email you with the accommodation details.  

If you are happy with the accommodation, we will then email you a formal offer letter detailing the address, the monthly rent and the opening account balance required. We will also attach a sample Tenancy Agreement, the Tenant Handbook and property EPC and Gas Safety Certificate where applicable.

Please read your offer letter and any attached documents carefully. In order to accept your offer, you will need to pay the opening account within seven days. We are unable to hold the accommodation after this time.

You may be able to arrange a viewing of the property – please contact to enquire.

You will be required to enter into a Tenancy Agreement before you are able to occupy your accommodation.

4. Paying your opening account

To reserve your accommodation, you will need to make payment of the opening account, which is made up of a refundable deposit and a portion of rent in advance.

This payment is due within 7 working days of receiving your offer of accommodation. If you are receiving a scholarship or grant, please advise the Graduate Accommodation Office, as it may be possible to delay the due date until your scholarship funds are received.


This is equal to a month’s rent, and will be returned within 4 weeks of the end of your tenancy (minus any charges for cleaning or damages).

We may use the deposit to cover:

  • any damage to the property or its contents;
  • cleaning;
  • disposing of the tenant’s belongings if left in the property at the end of the tenancy;
  • any outstanding payments due, including rent, council tax, utility bills, and any other service charges;
  • any legal or professional fees incurred as a result of the tenant breaching the tenancy agreement.

For further details, please refer to your Tenancy Agreement.

Rent in advance

A portion of your rent will be due in advance, as follows:

  • If your start date is before the 15th of the month, the rent up until the end of that month will due in advance.
  • If your start date is on or after the 15th of the month, the rent up until the end of that month, and the following month’s rent, will be due in advance.

A full list of rents for each accommodation can be found on the rent information pages.

5. Signing your tenancy agreement

Once you have firmly reserved your accommodation by payment, we will send out a tenancy agreement for signature. This will come to you no sooner than three months in advance of your start date, and will be sent out via our electronic signature software, 'E-Sign'.

You must sign your tenancy agreement before collecting your keys on your tenancy start date. We will send you reminders to sign closer to the time.  

To review the standard tenancy terms, please download our Sample Tenancy Agreement below.


Application form

Applications for 2024-25 Accommodation

The accommodation application process is now closed.

At this stage, we have allocated nearly all of our accommodation and the remaining options are very limited. Please email us directly if you still require accommodation in 2024-25 and we will advise what availability we might have.

The application process for 2025-26 will open later this year, and we will advertise the exact opening date nearer the time on our website.


Singles Application form

Single: Apply for accommodation suitable for one student


Joint Application form

Joint: Apply for accommodation suitable for a couple/family (where both adults are full-time graduate students of the University of Oxford)


Couples and Family Application form

Couple/Family: Apply for accommodation suitable for a couple/family (where only one adult occupant is a full-time graduate student of the University of Oxford)




Contact us

Graduate Accommodation team

+44 (0) 1865 2 80923

Our offices are open Monday to Friday 9:00 - 17:00